Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Illness, Congestion, and Computer Software Meltdown

A glass of orange-brownish mud colored juice and a partially consumed ziplock of sunflower seeds, cashews and almonds sits next to my HP notebook computer. This is an unusual day not only because I am typing on my computer, but because the sun is actually in full force today. I wish I could enjoy the weather as much as I desire to, however, I need to be heading home again very soon. The comforts of my pillow are the only solace to a head cold- along with a traumatic headache. I started coming down with some sort of cough last week, and I must admit the weakness and fatigue is starting to get to me. I have good days and bad days. Today is a good day because the sun is out, but a bad day because the headache is slowly turning into a migraine.

The other reason today is an unusual day is because I am typing on my very own keyboard. My computer hasn't allowed me to access my programs or documents for the last few weeks, which has made e-mails and blogs very difficult. Internet cafes are simply not enough...I picked up my brand-spanking rescued notebook today from the HP Customer Center after reconciling myself to the fact that I lost some important documents on my computer. I think it is a small price to pay for the use of my laptop once more! My hardware is in intact, so no major harm done. I was starting to feel naked. I'll be downloading some photos today so you'll be traversing the Asian countryside yet with visions of Lan Kwai Fong, the IFC, and the Victoria Peak. Patience...

My first week of classes ended and I'm excited for this week's stories. My students have been tremendously sweet and encouraging to me. Last Thursday I had the realization that my name was too difficult. Every time I met a new student and one of the parents, I would introduce myself and get a similar response. First a sounding of a few of the syllables in K-i-m-b-e-r-l-y and then the look of confusion, struggle, with a slight smile. Usually this was followed by the obvious statement. "Your name is really difficult." It was time for change.

Come Saturday, I decided to begin writing my name on the board as "Miss Kimi." This is already beginning to stick. My classes with the grade 1 students (8-9 years) includes some basic essay writing. The name "Miss Kimi" is starting to appear in the fictious plotlines. Apparently, I can walk from Victoria Peak to the local park to Central Station all in the span of ten minutes. Really progressive! In all seriousness, though, the classes show some serious promise. The very young children have short attention spans, which will take some adjustment on my part, however, I am discovering a hidden talent. I haven't used my singing voice in some time and it seems to be one of the easiest parts of this job as a teacher. Even better, the children are so quick to laugh, which is such an inspiration to me as I am daily running into unexpected little stressors, like this cough, or meeting strangers and adapting. Sometimes life here is just so very different from home. But, in the end, I know why I am here and when I see the children, it makes me so happy.

A reading I came across yesterday really seemed to prey on my heart, so I wanted to share it today. Even when things seem foreign, strange, unknown, and difficult in Hong Kong, I am so aware that I am loved. I don't have much money, but it isn't about having a BlackBerry (my phone is broken) or having the clothes, or having anything but...just enough. There is no redemption except through this love that comes to me as a Christian, and also as a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Thank you, all of you, for that.

"For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ..." (1 Peter 1:18-19)