Monday, January 26, 2009

Contradictions and Randomness

In preparation for my grad school admissions essay, I have been writing down and brainstorming many things about my character and personality, which will hopefully assist in drawing out a most unique piece of work. I've discovered amongst my research on perfecting the "statement of purpose" that sincerity is one of the most difficult and important qualities to project when writing. Since the essay is self-centric, this is most difficult to achieve. Come across as egotistical and sincere - eh? Therefore, the things I discuss must be somewhat personal, but also differentiate as an intellectually motivated individual for the specific discipline, and not the same-old same-old "I persevere...That experience really meant something to me...I lvoe a challenge...blah blah. As I'm writing these words, I'm feeling the distress of this kind of quality. It is difficult! Even if this doesn't seem to address how I am going to write this essay, I'm going to list random things about my character I hope will assist me. Perhaps any of my readers can help with this? Don't forget...these are random. Quite random qualities and memories:

1. I want to do more than just breathe, I want to know why I am here.
2. I stifle my emotions, but I'm actually more sensitive than I'd like to admit.
3. I write, and this is my valium when I'm aggravated. I draw and paint when I'm happy. This is my champagne.
4. I'm upset about the poverty around the world, and the best thing I can do about it is volunteer at home. Especially when there are more homeless people in Orange County than most other highly populated US cities.
5. I believe gay people should have the right to get married, if they choose. I am pro-choice, but I would never have an abortion.
6. I love the music of Radiohead, but I don't understand half of the things they are trying to say.
7. Most sports I am only "okay" at, despite the fact that I'm quite athletic in that I practice all the time.
8. The thought of eternity in Heaven still scares me.
9. I don't really worry about dying. In fact I wouldn't mind dying a bloody, horrific death, if it would save someone I loved.
10. Traveling to places I've never been makes me feel alive more than almost anything else does.
11. I love being alone. Walking alone. Writing alone. Reading alone. However, I still get lonely sometimes.
12. I procrastinate in almost anything. I love the rush I get from finishing something under a tight deadline. The feeling of excelling at the end heightens the excitement for me.
13. I am polychronic. I hate being early for anything except to go sailing with the family, like we used to do in summers past...or Disneyland. (he he)
14. I like depressing films. It reminds me of why I choose to do the right thing. It also reminds me that things don't always end happily.
15. I too want world peace. However, I don't believe it is ever possible.
16. I like being witty, but I also like being the person at the party who just watches other people and sits quietly in the corner.
17. I am motivated to change the world, even if it just means not using styrafoam cups for coffee in the office.
18. I could sit on the beach listening to the waves for hours and not be bored, as long as I had my journal with me.
19. I want to live in Paris. For a long time. A very long time.
20. Museums thrill me. But I can never get anyone to go with me!
21. Fresh strawberries are so much better than any other dessert.
22. I wish I was a real witch who knew real spells and Harry Potter was my best friend.
23. I don't think I would mind being single for a very long time.
24. I believe people cannot communicate honestly with each other 80% of the time. Either because they are too polite, too rude, too insincere, or too insecure.
25. I love the contradictions in life, and I don't think I would want things created differently. I just want to be able to change the small piece of the world I can.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you already have your essay. Use point 25 as the main frame of your essay and take it from there. Your points are heartwarmingly sincere and it will shine through and make your application stand out. One way to pick the best contradictions to use in your essay is to think, which of these contradictions makes me want to go to the school i'm applying to. and spend some time in your essay explaining why. sounds like it's going to be a stellar essay.
