Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm A Cynic

It is amazing to me how easy it is to attempt to fix one problem, and really, create another. This just goes to show how difficult it is to solve major world problems. We are using biofuels to keep the environment safer, which then competes with producing agriculture for poor people to eat or producing agriculture to make our cars runs cleaner. Ironically, we run out of resources elsewhere and must worry about the advocates hoping to begin chopping the beautiful brush in the Amazon rainforest (One of a kind world wonder, by the way. Never mind that!), which then limits the amount of oxygen continually produced into our ecosystem and keeping the equilibrium for healthy climate change. I'm not sure who is to blame for this, but the author seems to have blamed the fuel (facetious blame, I'm sure), the environmentalists point the finger at big business, and the poor people keep starving. What's new. Sardonic attitude, I know.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Meant...

Sorry! This is the link you should go to for listening to "We Are Rockstars" by Does It Offend You, Yeah? I hope the last web site didn't scare anyone away: (I am fixing the last blog post).

You Have No Idea What You Are Getting Yourself Into...

The aforementioned title is actually the album name of the band, Does It Offend You, Yeah? (Yes, it is actually a band - I love bands that have strange song titles and monikers. It makes me laugh.) I tried downloading to the blog, but it didn't work, so here's something else to access:
I've had a string of positive, wonderful experiences. I went to the Getty Center on Sunday, and spent a day in the central garden, and in the galleries, living the Bourgeoisie life. Checked out some light and video installations - here is some Mike Kelley stuff I found amusing after seeing his work at the Getty. This only inspires me to be more daring when I see this cluster--(I think you know what I mean) kinda-art.

Unfortunately, I'm reaching a point where I only live for the weekends and am trying to be responsible, despite hearing a voice calling me to be spontaneous and enjoy this year. I have an opportunity very soon to be quite outrageous, meaning taking a leap of faith to something quite uncertain, not destructive, but perhaps less responsible, and most likely, life-changing, in essence, a leap of faith to something quite beautiful. Why not?! It would be fun and inspiring, you say...? Well, I just don't know. I'm just not sure I'm ready to scream at everyone around me, "Does It Offend You, Yeah?"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How To Escape Sex and The City..

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if men refused to watch this movie? I listened to a ten-minute call-in show about men who liked or were being dragged to see Sex and the City. It was hilarious.
Listen to this!

I Want To Go...

To this event,.. but I really cannot afford to do anything except make sure I don't starve on my measly salary. I went last year and it was such a blast - art, fashion, and music and dancing!!!

This event is tomorrow (Billabong's Design For Humanity Charity Event - Art/Fashion Show and the works...) -- and I don't think I can make it :) Plus, I already made plans and I don't know if he'll take me...arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh